Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Yesterday morning, I was 168.2 -- down half a pound, or thereabouts. This morning? 166.0. WTF, scale? WTF? But the Wii Fit confirmed it, so there we are: 166, down 2.6 pounds from last week, and nearly back to the 165 I was before I started letting things slip.

I think I need to cut out the evening snacking again, even when I've got the points for it. I don't know if it's that saving points for a snack makes me hungrier during the day and more inclined to cheat, or that evening food just metabolizes that much slower, or what, but I definitely lose weight faster when I cease all eating after 7pm.

I'm also, now that the weather is thinking about getting warmer and produce prices are starting to come down, thinking of trying to work salads into my lunches. It doesn't actually save me that many points -- my usual sandwich is only 4 points, and the cobb-ish salad I had yesterday was 5 (egg, avocado, meat, and cheese add up fast -- thank goodness for 0-calorie dressing!) but it does drastically increase my veggie intake and shake up my metabolism a little so it's not anticipating the same thing every day.

I've been getting some fantastic compliments from people lately -- kind of weird how that seems to come and go in waves, isn't it? But I'm not complaining! I don't see a lot of change in myself, day-to-day, so it's always good to be reminded that I am still changing, and for the better.

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