Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Inch By Inch

Weigh-in: 234.2, down 1.8 from last week for a grand total of 38.8 lost. My chart continues its steady slope downward. I'm still feeling pretty blah about the rate of loss, even though I'm still sticking close to the recommended two pounds per week, and rationally I know that's the fastest healthy rare, and logically I understand that it took me years to put all this weight on, so it's going to take years for it all to come off... But I'm still feeling blah about it.

I expect I'll continue to feel blah about it until I cross that 220 mark. That's the point at which I'll be able to say something like, "This is the smallest I've been since before I got married." Right now, I'm not just starting out or meeting any exciting challenges (like getting through the birthday/holiday season), and all I can say about 235-ish is that it's the smallest I've been since... the last time I was on a diet. Not very exciting.

On the non-blah side, though, I made it through Valentine's Day with nary a scratch. I budgeted for popcorn at the movies, and even had points left over to have steak for dinner. And I worked in the coffee-flavored chocolates that snuck into Matt's candy (I swear, I checked the box label!) without any problems. And it's one of my long-held secrets that I actually kind of like conversation hearts, so I've been noshing on those -- but since the little gift bags of them are 1 point each, that hasn't been too much of an issue. (I like them, but I can stop after 2 bags. They're not a Danger Food.)

I'm doing an experiment with breakfast this week; I saw somewhere that it's a good idea to change around your meals some, to keep your body from falling into a rut. And I saw a microwave omelet-maker at the grocery store. So three days this week, I'm having an omelet, made with egg-beaters, a piece of vegetarian sausage, and a slice of low-fat cheese. I added a couple of diced tomatoes to it today. It needs a lot of salt, because egg-beaters have zero flavor, but it does seem to hold the hunger at bay fairly well until lunch.

We tried to buy a Wii Fit this weekend, but couldn't find one. Alas. Guess I'll end up ordering it online. I'd like to be able to fit in some exercise on non-gym days, even if it's only 15 minutes.

And I think I need new bras again. I either need to go down to a 42DD or a 44D, I'm not sure which, but my 44-DDDs are sagging around the boob and riding up in the back.

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