Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Halfway House

This morning, I was at 231.6, which is a 2.6 drop from last week, tipping me over the line to more than 40 pounds lost, total! It also means I've hit about the halfway point on the current 10% goal mark -- my new fancy purse is only thirteen pounds away!

A fair amount of stuff to report this week, too:

I bought a Wii and Wii Fit this weekend. So far I've done two workout sessions on it (well, one and two halves, since Monday night's workout got interrupted in the middle for an hour). I find the talking balance-board icon to be unbearably irritating, and I resent the fact that when it demands to know why you've gained weight, there's no option to account for it just being a different time of day since the last time you logged in -- my weight shifts as much as four pounds across the course of a day, dammit! But I mostly enjoy the games (I actually got all the way through the ball-rolly game Monday night!) and I like the yoga. Well, "like" is probably too strong a word, but I appreciate it. Doing yoga only once a week when I was pregnant made a huge difference in my foot problems; I got the same sort of aches in my ankles and arches from the Wii's yoga positions, so I have some hope that it will help keep the podiatrist at bay if I keep it up.

The Wii Fit isn't exactly a workout, but it's better than sitting on my duff. My current plan is to use the Wii on days that I don't go to the gym -- allergy shot days and weekends. Or days where I have a packed work schedule or (like today) a sick kid at home to make getting to the gym even more difficult to fit in. (It's a trade-off. Going to the gym takes an hour and a half and earns me 4 points; the Wii Fit takes about half an hour or so and earns me only 1 point.)

We'll see how it works out.

I had a neat moment on Sunday: I'd pulled my hair back into a ponytail despite the cold weather because I couldn't take one more second of frizzy static hair in my face, and when I went into the bathroom, I caught sight of my face in the mirror and was startled to realize that my cheekbones have come back.

I have, if I may be permitted a moment of vanity, excellent cheekbones. They're my sole inheritance from my few drops of Indian blood: they're high, long, and narrow, and when I'm not completely porked out, fairly prominent. They make my face look thinner than it actually is, and I was quite happy to see that they had returned. (Interestingly, when I take my hair down from the ponytail, they disappear again. I'm not sure why, since my hair doesn't fall over my face, but there you have it. I've been wearing my hair in a ponytail ever since. I admit it is not entirely because of the static issue, anymore.)

And yesterday, I went to my OB/GYN for the annual checkup. The less said about that, the better, except that he was very excited on my behalf about the weight loss and increased exercise, so that was nice.

I had a co-worker ask how much weight I'd lost, this morning. That was nice, too.

I declare it a good-diet week. May there be many, many more.

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