Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hello, if you've wandered over to check me out from my guest post on Hungry Little Caterpillar! (And if you haven't, then you should go check her out, and read my guest post there!)

This isn't my best week, diet-wise -- I gained most of a pound, probably because I've been stress-eating. But I invite you to look around and check things out anyway. Go on, poke into the cabinets, put your feet up, whatever. I'm not picky. I've got lemonade here, and some veggies with hummus dip; help yourself.

Feel free to check out my other blog, as well, which is less focused on dieting and more just a stream-of-consciousness rambling about whatever's going on in my life on any given day. But it's got cute pictures of my kids, so that's a bonus, right?

1 comment:

Kyra said...

I'm glad I found your blog through the guest post at Hungry Caterpillar. I'm just going to have some of the hummus and browse a bit!