Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Steady March

A 1.4 pound loss this week (194.6 - total loss of 78.4 pounds). That's the fourth week in a row that I've had a loss of approximately a pound and a half; my little spreadsheet chart looks very neat and orderly for these last few weeks. I don't know if my weight loss has actually evened out, or if it's just that I've been stepping on the scale more often, the last few weeks, so it's stopped pulling its stupid "don't change for two weeks and then suddenly report a three-pound drop" trick. (It does still tend to say the same thing for 4-6 days and then suddenly show the pound and a half drop. Stupid scale.)

I'm continuing to notice external signs of shrinkage, though. I can actually see my wrist bone again! And my 42-band bras are on their second or third set of hooks (depending on which bra it is and whether it's fresh out of the laundry) so it won't be too long until I'm in need of more bras. (Though I still appear to be a DD cup. Don't get me wrong, I like having nice curves, but I wouldn't mind dropping to a D! Any time now.)

And my size XL shorts that I bought expecting them to last the rest of the summer are... not unwearable, but definitely a bit loose. Which is surprising, as my hips/butt/thigh region is usually a size bigger than the rest of me, and I was expecting to stay in XL pants into the fall. I guess we'll see. (On the other hand, the size L stuff I picked up from Sam's Club is way too snug, and I'll have to wait a while before I can reasonably squash into it. No more buying clothes without trying them on!)

Two more ladies in my office have joined Weight Watchers, and one more is planning to join in the fall, after her baby arrives. They're all serial dieters who've been on the program before, though, so I didn't have that proprietary, "Did I do this?" reaction. But it'll still be nice to have some more people to swap tips and recipes with. (This is the social benefit that one is supposed to get out of going to the meetings, but that never quite worked out for me.)

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