Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Treading Water

Today's weigh-in is... 172.8. Exactly the same as it was last week. I'm trying not to be discouraged -- there are, after all, a bunch of potential factors at work.

For starters, in the "I'm not as healthy as I think I am" category, we went out to eat Sunday at a hibachi restaurant to celebrate a family birthday. I love hibachi, and I'm sure I over-ate. Since my 2-year-old wasn't interested in his soup or salad, I ate his in addition to mine, as an aid to filling up. And I ate a big bunch of his vegetables, too. I indulged in the steak and chicken combo, and ate every last bit of my steak -- but I left about half the chicken and probably more than half my rice on my plate. I thought I'd done pretty well, all told, but of course even the vegetables had been cooked with oil and butter, so maybe it was more than I thought.

And then in the realm of "willpower? what willpower?", I played Rock Band with some friends Monday night, and even though I'd brought some low-point snacks for myself, I caved and ate some chips, too. I don't think I went too overboard, but... overboard is overboard, I guess.

In the land of "not actually my fault", I've got a mild-but-persistent cold, which is probably dragging my metabolism down.

And in the world of "short-term loss for long-term gain" (or the reverse, as it may be) my change-up at the gym means that I've replaced about 15 minutes of cardio with 15 minutes or so of weight lifting, so I'm both losing 15 minutes' worth of steady calorie-burn and gaining muscle-weight. Which makes me wish I had a more recent set of measurements, so I can do those comparisons. I should try to remember to do those monthly, or thereabouts, I guess.

On the plus side, I've been getting a lot of compliments, lately, which is nice for my ego.

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