Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, the Wii Fit, as usual, says I gained a pound and a half between Monday and today, but the bathroom scale failed to get the memo, so I'm down 1.4 pounds this week, to 169.8. Whether my weird little down-up pattern will be back on track next week and pop me back up into the 170s, I don't know.

Everything is moving so slowly these days, I've caught myself wondering if I would be content to call it done sooner than I'd originally thought, maybe somewhere in the 160s. It's tempting. I made the really big goals -- the 100 pounds lost, the dip out of the "obese" category. Goals forward from here all seem sort of... lackluster. And I think I look pretty good, actually. I'm in Mediums and Larges, so I can shop pretty much wherever I want. I wouldn't mind a little less loose skin around my arms and legs, and a little less muffin peeking over my tighter pants, but I expect I'm stuck with the granny arms and thighs -- at my age, the skin isn't as elastic as it once was -- and what of it can be fixed is going to be the result of patience and targeted muscle building, not mere loss. Or, possibly, surgery (yes, I've seriously given consideration to surgery to fix the granny arms, but I don't think I can afford it).

On the other hand, I'm still firmly in the "overweight" category, and while I have a lot of issues with the BMI categories, I expect the 160s are still much heavier than optimal for someone my height. I certainly don't expect to get back to my high school/early college weight -- if nothing else, I've had two babies since then, and the change to my boobs is probably worth a solid 5 pounds all by itself. But it might be nice to get within 10-15 pounds of that weight.

So I'm trying to fight that temptation -- once I got back on plan after the holidays, I did start losing again. And it's not like I get to relax all that much once I graduate to maintenance. Not if I want to avoid backsliding and regaining a lot of weight. And honestly, maintenance is even harder than losing, because there isn't that sense of change to keep you motivated.

So for now, I'll keep plugging away at it.

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