Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Since I do 15 minutes of yoga with my Wii Fit every weekday morning, it tracks my weight almost every day. For the last five or six weeks, there's this interesting pattern: Monday is always the lowest weight of the week. And then I pop back up before my weigh-in on Wednesday, and sometimes Thursday and Friday go back down, and sometimes they stay where they are. But Monday always shows a significant drop, and it always goes back up before my weigh-in.

My daily weigh-in in the bathroom more or less matches this. Sometimes the bathroom scale lags behind the Wii Fit by a day or so -- but again, it always pops me up for weigh-in day.

And this seems to be entirely irrelevant to whether I eat out over the weekend, or go out and do stuff on Monday evening. Whether I'm below minimum points or have dipped into my weekly points. Always a dip over the weekend that's gone by Tuesday or Wednesday.

The good news is that since it's an obvious pattern and I haven't found anything that will affect it... I guess I can just ignore it.

So though I was significantly lower yesterday, this morning I am 171.2. Which is a drop of 0.6 from last week that puts my overall loss at 101.8.

On the plus side, I'm experimenting with some recipes from the Hungry Girl cookbook I got for Christmas. Some of them are more gimmicky than useful, but some of them have been really awesome. I'm particularly fond of the apple-pie-in-a-cup recipe that uses cinnamon imperials for flavoring (though I had to recalculate the points based on a full-sized apple, because I don't know any stores that sell what qualifies as "medium" apples). I've also made some 2-point key lime pie tartlets that are really quite tasty.

This week I'll be testing out a recipe for apple and broccoli slaw that sounded tasty. Next week's experiment is baked "fried" zucchini.

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