Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Weighed in this morning at 165, down 2.2 from last week, for a total of 108. After going to a fancy restaurant and eating way too much, and then going to the movies and having popcorn. With butter. I'm beginning to wonder if some of the trouble I'm having is because I need to eat more, occasionally, to keep myself from going into metabolic shutdown. I haven't been as constantly freezing cold this week, either (though that could as easily be due to the fact that it's finally starting to warm up outside).

So now I'm trying to decide if I really do need to eat a little more -- or if this is one of those statistical blips that, if I pay attention to it, will get me into trouble.

Well, if things go according to pattern, I'll be back up to 166 or so next week. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. In the meantime, I'm only about 20 pounds (ish) from being done with this phase of things. And that feels pretty awesome.

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