Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So, I had a long weekend involving ice cream and Cool Whip and movie popcorn with "butter" and hot dogs and cheeseburgers and whipped cream and cake and potato salad and chips. I didn't so much as open my Weight Watchers log for three and a half days, and I skipped the gym on Monday. I was braced for a gain and praying I hadn't gone back over 163.

So I was kind of nonplussed, if pleased, to be down 2.2 pounds to 159.2 this morning. Which means that despite some backsliding, I've met (barely) the goal I set a while back, of being in the 150s in time for the big Summer Bash reunion thing, which is this weekend.

Yeah, I kind of expect to not be in the 150s again by next week, too.

Oh, and: crap. I'm going to two weddings this summer, and my smallest dress is an 18, and my only skirts that fit are inappropriately short and/or black. I should probably go shopping soon.

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