Thursday, July 30, 2009


Forgot to post yesterday, but the diet marches along. Down to 196 yesterday morning, which is 1.6 for the week and 77 total.

I feel like I'm in a sort of grey zone of diet loss, right now. I passed a lot of milestones and markers in the last few weeks, all at once: I got past the big 200, and made that third 10% goal, and I'm officially thinner than I've been since Matt and I started dating, and I can't shop at Lane Bryant anymore...

The next milestone isn't until the next 10% goal, so it's nearly twenty pounds away, which at the current rate won't be until sometime in October. I just bought new clothes, so that won't be necessary again until it's time for fall and winter things. August and September are kind of stretching out before me as an endless grey monotony.

I need to come up with a goal that can be met in a shorter time, something to pin my sights on. Maybe I should take up the sit-up challenge.

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