Thursday, September 3, 2009


I only lost half a pound this week (0.6, technically, since the scale said 192.6) but that finally puts me officially over the 80-pound mark that I've been flirting with for the last four weeks or so. So even though it wasn't a big loss, I feel mostly satisfied.

I'm trying to decide if I've been getting careless/sloppy about my eating habits, or if my metabolism has shifted and I'm just going to be losing weight that much slower, now. Both seem vaguely likely. I could deal with an overall slowdown if I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong.

(Except that I am doing some things wrong, and I just can't seem to help myself. I need to figure out how to get a grip and get my sense of discipline back into line. And also to stop having food in the house that pushes my triggers.)

This week will be challenging -- big family birthday meal Saturday, plus my gym is closed today and tomorrow and Monday. Even if I dust off the Wii Fit (and it is very hard to do that in the evenings when I'd rather be doing... well, almost anything else, really) it's not as good a workout as the gym.

So we'll see what we see, I guess. Wish me luck.

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