Wednesday, December 23, 2009

...And Up

Today's weigh-in: 175.8, which is up 1.8 pounds from last week. Can't say I'm terribly surprised, what with the party, and the other party, and the third party, and the stress-eating, and then the friend over for dinner and margaritas last night.

Looking at my chart, though, it looks like I've been more or less maintaining since Thanksgiving (down and then up and down and then up and down and then...) which is not horribly unreasonable, what with all the birthdays and holidays and such. So my son's birthday is today, and we're having my parents over tomorrow for Christmas Eve dinner, and then Friday is Christmas.

And then it'll be time to throw out or give away any leftover candy and cookies and other goodies, and get my behind back into the gym, and get back on the diet wagon and start making some serious progress.

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