Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Falling Off the Wagon

I'm up 1.2 pounds this morning, to 176.8. Though yesterday I was at 175 (which would have been a .6 loss) and I'm thinking the damage isn't quite as bad as it looks.

Certainly, I've earned some gain. I sort of quit tracking food over the weekend. We had our annual cookie party on Sunday, after which we went out to eat; and then Monday I skipped the gym, and then yesterday I went out for lunch and indulged in french fries, and then last night went to my book club and had both alcohol and egregious amounts of sugar -- enough to make me actually slightly nauseous. And then I had a stomach cramp around 2:30 this morning, and I didn't get back to sleep for a good hour or so.

Now usually, book club is on Wednesday, after my weigh-in, which gives me the week to recover. Late-night eating often results in an artificial morning bump, and alcohol always gives me a half-pound or so bump the next day, due to water retention, and poor sleep sometimes gives me a weight spike, too. So it's entirely possible that anywhere from a half-pound to a pound of that gain might be gone again by tomorrow. If it is, I may revise my official weigh-in for this week to reflect the more realistic number.

Which by no means lets me off the hook. I need to get back to tracking my food, and I need to stop eating so much junk, and I need to get back to my workouts. I'm okay with more or less maintaining my weight through the holidays, but a net gain is not what I want. Time to get back on the wagon.

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