Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Down Down Down

242.4 this morning, which is a nice, comfortable 2 pounds lost, pushing my grand total to just over 30 pounds.

Which means I successfully navigated a lunch out with Matt last week that turned out to be heavier than I expected, a party on Saturday, my dad's birthday on Sunday, and the serious case of munchies that I've been fighting for the last few days. Feeling pretty proud of myself for that.

I took my one-year-old to the doctor today, and carried him from the car across the parking lot, up the elevator, and down the hall to the pediatrician's suite, and by the time I got there, my arms were aching. The little bugger is heavy. Except they stood him on the scale, and he weighs 22.5 pounds. Which means that, not that long ago, I was regularly carrying around more than he weighs. All the time. Admittedly, spread out so all the burden wasn't just on my arms, but still. And I'm closing in on having lost as much as the five-year-old weighs.

Speaking of aching muscles, I started the hundred push ups program (though I'm doing "girl" push ups on my knees instead of normal ones), and I increased the resistance level on the bike at the gym by a notch. I also noticed that when I'm on the elliptical and trying to maintain a constant heart rate of around 120, I now have to maintain a speed of approximately 3.5 mph, up from around 3.0 when I first started. And I started doing my leg/hip stretches in the mornings before I get dressed, but that's less to do with "exercise" and more to do with "not wanting to scream in pain every time I take a step." Damn knee.

So, all in all, a good week for weight loss and health gains!

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