Friday, January 2, 2009


After two weeks of being on vacation and allowing myself little cheats, and more little cheats, and then big cheats, and then even bigger cheats...

If nothing else, the last two weeks have been a shining example to me of exactly why I should not be allowed "off the reservation" for any length of time. Even with the best intentions and the firmest plans, I succumbed to stress eating, and I succumbed to boredom eating, and I succumbed (most insidiously of all) to "well, it was right in front of me" eating.

Time to get back on the wagon.

I'm easing into it, somewhat -- Tonight is hot dog night for dinner, which means I have lots of extra points to play around with, and I have more than enough wiggle room for some snacks and treats.

Unless I screw up royally, there's a reasonable chance that I'll be meeting my first 10% goal next week, and starting my next 10% journey. That one will be almost 3 pounds shorter (10% of 245 being less than 10% of 273), and it'll stretch across Valentine's Day and possibly Easter and my anniversary, but it won't be anywhere near as riddled with traps as this first one was, which braved Hallowe'en, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!

Even if my rate of loss cuts in half -- which is pretty unlikely -- I should meet that goal and embark on the third in time for summer. And then I'd think the third would be achievable by the end of the year. (That's two 10% goals in 12 months -- I think it's fairly reasonable, given that I did my first one in about 3.)

So those are my mid-range goals: Second 10% by summer, and third (which will have me below 200 pounds for the first time in ten years!) by this time next year.

It's doable. It's a pretty modest goal, even. I just have to stick to it, and keep slowly ramping up my activity level to keep my metabolism from falling into a slump.

I can do it. All it takes is resolve.

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