Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sore Site

Yay for loss! Down 2.4 again, which brings me to 240 pounds and 33 lost total. Boy, do I hate it when the Weight Watchers website chides me for losing more than 2 pounds in a week. Maybe if I was only ten or fifteen pounds overweight, losing weight this fast would be unhealthy, but I don't think I'm starving myself into damage, here. (Especially since my combined average since I started -- including the first couple of crazy-water-weight-loss weeks -- is something like 2.04 pounds per week.)

Let's consider percentages: If I weighed 150, 2.4 pounds would be about 1.6% of my total mass; but at 240, 2.4 pounds is only 1%. Maybe the rule of thumb shouldn't be flat poundage, but percentages -- you should try not to lose more than 1.25% of your weight in a single week. (At 150, 1.25% is about 1.9 pounds, which is pretty close.) That seems a lot more reasonable.

Besides, I'm still in the easy-on, easy-off stage. I was at 220 only a few years ago, back when I was on South Beach and going to the Curves gym across the street from my office. 220 is where I stalled out before. The first time I tried Weight Watchers, ten years ago, I stalled out at 225. Somewhere around there, I think, is one of my "natural" weight points, and I'm anticipating a "plateau" at that point again that will take some extra effort to push through.

Until then, shut up, WW web site, and let me enjoy my progress.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That's one of the things I like about the Wii Fit. It says you should lose about 3 pounds a week. But even if you lose more it doesn't yell at you for it. I had a loss of 4 pounds last week (yay me!) and it just casually said 3 pounds a week was good.