Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well, there we go: I weighed in this morning at 244.4, putting me a solid half-pound past my 10% goal. I did it! I've lost 28.6 pounds in the last three months. (Almost exactly, in fact.)

Then I went to the Weight Watchers website, put in my weight, and went to update my goal for the next 10%, only to discover that they think I'm on Maintenance now, and won't let me change the goal. I think they're going to make me clear the history and "start over" with my current weight as my starting weight.

I'm... not sure how to feel about that. On the one hand, assuming I understand it correctly, then if I start over, then I'm not going to see the charts that show me how far I've come since the beginning. I'm not going to earn a 50-pound star. (Well, I will earn it, but I won't get it.)

On the other hand, it might be better, mentally and emotionally, to start fresh. To not be able to cling to the past. To let those pounds go and pretend that they never were.

But in any case, I need to think of a reward for myself for having lost 10% of my mass.

1 comment:

Glossaria said...

Whoo hoo!!!!

As far as the site goes-- you don't need to put the 5%, 10%, etc as goals, because the site will "star" those automagically on your charts. If you want to go back and fix, just "correct" your last weigh-in to something above goal, fix your goal, and then put your latest weigh-in back to normal. That should solve the problem.
