Thursday, July 9, 2009


I took the day off today. Spent my morning running errands -- dropped the kids off at daycare, went to the gym, went to the doctor for a blood draw, got dinner prepped, that kind of stuff.

And then I went to lunch with my husband and some friends, and after lunch, I went clothes shopping with three girlfriends, which was an absolute blast. I haven't tried on clothes with numbered sizes for a while, but I was fairly sure I'd be about a 16.

Except I wasn't. Four stores we went to, and in all four stores, I fit neatly into a Large or a 14. At Lane Bryant, the size 14/16 stuff was all just a little too big for me -- I bought a loose shirt anyway, but the form-fitting dresses I'd hoped to snag for my high school reunion were Right Out.

Apparently, without realizing it, I skipped over 16 entirely and am now looking at the downward side of 14. And it's just about time for me to stop shopping at Lane Bryant and return to the "normal" sized stores.


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