Sunday, July 12, 2009

Photographic Evidence

So I'm not quite to my third 10% goal yet -- I'm about a pound and a half away, but that's close enough that I don't think you could tell the difference on casual examination.

Also, it's been just about exactly a year since the picture was taken that I'm using for my "before" shot (it was another few months before I actually went on the diet, so I haven't been on the diet for a full year). And we had another picnic. So... Time for a progress picture. Why not?

Here's the before:
before - summer 2008

And here's the now:
current - summer 2009

That's what almost 75 pounds looks like.

I confess to being in love with this picture. I'm not just thinner, I'm... (despite the Ugliest Shoes In The World and having another 50-60 pounds left to go) actually... kind of hot.


1 comment:

Liz Brooks said...

Oh, and for comparison, my last progress picture was in April, here.