Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I What?

I missed last week's weigh-in, because I was at my mother-in-law's house and didn't want to deal with a different scale.

I spent the week trying very hard not to eat out of boredom. Or stress. Or both. The closer we got to the end of the week, the more that resolve weakened; I wasn't very restrained at all for our last couple of days. I ate desserts and ice cream and cookies and... Bleh. And I stopped journalling altogether about halfway through the trip; my 'net connection via my phone was so slow it was maddening, and I forgot to take along a paper journal.

(I did, at least, confine myself to no more than a half a bagel for breakfast, and a reasonable lunch of leftovers or a sandwich and some fruit. Even on the days I wasn't journalling)

I was expecting to gain weight. I was hoping it wouldn't be more than a pound or two.

I wasn't expecting a loss.

But that's what I got, anyway. The scale said 246.2 this morning, for a loss of 2.4 pounds over the last two weeks, dropping me below the 25-pound mark. Not bad, considering how little exercise I got (airport navigation notwithstanding) and how badly I ate!

One more big family meal to withstand, tomorrow, and then we'll be off and running for the new year!

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