Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I guess that .8 last week was there to make me feel appreciative for this week's 1.6. Otherwise, it might've been a little disappointing.

1.6 takes me to 228, which is an even 45 pounds lost. Not too shabby, really, and my projection spreadsheet still has me on-target to reach my second 10% goal right before my anniversary. (And I will promptly back it up by going off-plan for my anniversary dinner. Though it currently looks like we're not going to be able to have that dinner until a month later, anyway. Who gave my parents permission to have lives of their own?!)

Except for the corned beef I made for St. Patrick's Day (9 points for a meal that was smaller than what the five-year-old usually eats!!!) I thought I did pretty well staying on-plan this week. And I was good about my exercise, too -- three trips to the gym (40 minutes each) and at least half an hour on the Wii Fit every day that I didn't go to the gym. So I'm feeling pretty good about things, just now.

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