Monday, March 9, 2009


I managed to buy myself a new pair of pants this weekend, which is good because my brown work pants were getting laughably oversized. The new pants are size 16/18, which is just thrilling. I held them up in the fitting room and said, "No way is my butt fitting into that!" but, shockingly enough, it did.

(They're stretchy knit pants, so I suspect I'm closer to the 18 side of that scale, but after looking at the way they fit in the mirror, I didn't even consider trying on the 20/22s.)

I also got some new bras in this week -- 42Ds. The 42 part fits pretty well, but apparently my boobs are still wavering on the dividing line between D and DD. One of the new bras was wearable, but uncomfortable by the end of the day; the other bra immediately gave me the boob equivalent of the muffin-top, which just isn't pretty no matter how you slice it.

Still, shrinkage = good.

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