Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I was feeling pretty good about this week, but alas, I only lost .8 pounds (229.6, total loss of 43.4). Which is a loss, so it's a win, I guess, but I'd really been hoping to rally a bit. Oh, well, I guess they can't all be two pounds or more. And hey, I'm down to less than 10 pounds until my second 10% goal has been hit.

The frustrating bit is that I don't really know why I didn't lose more.

I slacked off for half the week on the exercise, but that was because I was sick -- you'd think that eating only half (or less) of my points allotment would make up for the fact that I wasn't going to the gym.

Hell, maybe I'm not eating enough and it's sending my body into metabolic hibernation.

Or maybe I'm just leveling out a bit as I approach one of my body's "natural weight" points (somewhere between 220 and 225, from previous experience) and once I manage to bull through that, I'll go back to losing quickly again.

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