Friday, March 27, 2009


Weekly weigh-in report is a bit late this week, due to my working from home on Wednesday (I always forget to blog when I'm at home) and the insane-ass day I had Thursday. But here it is Friday, and this is what happened when I got on the scale Wednesday morning:

I lost weight. 3.6 pounds, in fact, which seems a little ridiculous. I got The Lecture from the WW website, which I thought was really unnecessary (yet again), since that precipitous drop bring my average for the past month to just a smidge less than two pounds per week, which is well within the safety guidelines. Anyway, that puts me at 224.4 pounds, meaning that I've lost a total of 48.6 pounds.

As Lynn is fond of saying, biology is not chemistry. You can eat the exact same number of calories and do the exact same amount of exercise for two weeks and come up with vastly different results for the stupidest of petty reasons. Stress will put the brakes on your metabolism. So will lack of sleep. Being sick can screw up your metabolism too, in different ways depending on what kind of sickness -- and that can linger for a while even after you're better. Different women react differently to different points in their fertility cycles, but there's always some metabolic or water-retention factor happening somewhere in there. Exercise affects you differently depending on what time of day it happens. Different foods, even with the same number of calories, can affect your metabolism. (Maybe cabbage and tomatoes are my secret weight-loss weapon? I could live with that.)

Which all boils down to my not having the slightest clue what was different this past week, that made me drop so much.

Not that I'm complaining, mind. I'm eager to get to that 10% goal so I can get my new purse and fit a little less muffin-toppy into my new jeans. (I have no idea what size they are. Lane Bryant jeans-size 2 -- which I think means 18/20, but I'm not sure. At any rate, my old jeans were a size 4, so whoo, me!)

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